

Beach Handball Master Plan for 2008-2012

Depois de uma pausa forçada por outros compromissos, igualmente importantes, eis-me de volta, a par com o Sol, esse elemento vital do nosso Andebol de Praia.
Para recomeçar, nada como pagar promessas e aqui se completa então (na versão inglesa) o BEACH HANDBALL MASTER PLAN FOR 2008-2012, da EHF:

EHF Beach Handball Commission
Master Plan 2008 – 2012

1) Preamble
2) Responsibilities and task distribution
3) Activity plan

The 8th EHF Extraordinary Congress in Rome / ITA on 26/27 Sept. 08 voted in favour of
introducing a Commission to deal solely with the sport of Beach Handball. This will consist of
a Chairman and four members, with the following tasks:
• Events and Competition
• Officiating
• Game Design and Coaching
• Development and Promotion
The representatives on this new body will be elected at the next EHF Ordinary Congress,
scheduled to take place in Vienna on 26/27 September 2008, upon which the Commission
will become an active EHF Body.

Motto: Via FAIR PLAY to the OLYMPICS
The EHF Beach Handball Commission regards itself as an initiator of projects in order to
develop Beach Handball as an independent sport discipline within the European Handball
family. Furthermore the BC will support the National Federations in order to promote Beach
Handball in their counties..
The main target for the future: to lay down the foundation to become an Olympic discipline!
Both the EHF Beach Handball Commission and the EHF Office Business Unit Beach
Handball shall further develop the product “Beach Handball” as well as adapt the
relationships to external partners in Beach Handball – in particular concerning TV and
internet live streaming - to the needs of our times regarding their daily business in order to
make the product fit for the market in cooperation with the EHF Technical Commissions and
the EHF Executive Committee.

Masterplan objectives:
1. To define the principles of the basic EHF BC working philosophy
2. To formulate the main areas and goals.

Principles of the basic EHF working philosophy in the BC:
- Advisory, inspiration, co-ordination and conceptual functions of the BC should have
the priority

- BC work needs availability of time
- Clear definition of goals, tasks and controlling tools
- Concentration on selected areas based on the specific competence and experience
of the BC members
- Finding out the optimal balance between “traditional” attitude and “innovation”
- Improvement of communication and information exchange with the target groups and
other EHF bodies
- Practicability for target groups
- Perfection of the product

Working approach:
1) 1st EHF BC meeting September 2008 (on the occasion of the EHF Congress)
- Orientation (to become familiar with the tasks defined for the BC
- Definition of the general line for the working period 2008 – 2012
2) 2nd EHF BC meeting late 2008 / early 2009
- Overall coordination and priority list of activities
- Activity and budget planning for 2009
- “EHF Beach Handball Commission Masterplan 2008 – 2012”
(internal attachment to EHF BC minutes)

Responsibilities and task distribution
(status and needs)
- to chair, coordinate and to lead the BC
- Budget
􀂃 status: no defined budget
􀂃 definition of the budget according to the activity plan and long term
projects (competition matters, education, development and promotion)
- image of Beach Handball
􀂃 to bridge the gap between fun activity and highly competitive sport with
respect to the main philosophy: FAIR PLAY
- contact IHF + National Federations
􀂃 cooperation concerning rule development
􀂃 exchange of experience
􀂃 coordination of nominations of European experts (referees, delegates,
coaches, BC members, etc.) concerning WChs, WGs, etc.
- to secure the overall aim – Olympics
􀂃 to build the road to Olympia under the umbrella of international bodies
Events & Competitions:
- event organization
􀂃 status: 5 EChs, 1 Youth EChs, 5 EBT Masters
􀂃 set-up of the event area, set-up of the courts, professional speaker, the
village, placement of technical spots, accompanying events, overall
event map, procedures and guidelines also regarding modern lay-out
􀂃 application / bid documents / contract with the organiser
o event manual
􀂃 status: scope of duties has been adapted to the current needs of each
􀂃 set up of a detailed event manual regarding the special spirit of Beach
Handball in general and regarding in particular the duties of the parties
involved (organiser, EHF Officials, partners) containing basic needs in
the fields of technical requirements, advertising, TV / internet live
streaming, etc.
- event innovations
􀂃 new ideas with respect to the special appearance of Beach Handball
o Beach Handball material
􀂃 status: Nijha - partner for balls, goals and optionally line systems
(contract is terminated by late October 2008)
􀂃 new partnerships are needed
􀂃 special Beach Handball score boards are needed
- competition system:
o EChs
􀂃 status EChs: 2000 Gaeta / ITA, 2002 Cadiz / ESP, 2004 Alanya / TUR,
2006 Cuxhaven / GER, 2007 Misano Adriatico / ITA, 2008 Nagyatad /
HUN (Youth Echs)
􀂃 Is there a need – and when yes when – to start with Junior EChs M20 /
􀂃 status: yearly since 2003
􀂃 how to attract the EBT for potential Beach Handball teams?
􀂃 how to supervise the EBT?
o EBT Masters Finals
􀂃 status:
• 2004 / ITA
• 2005 / ESP
• 2006 / GRE
• 2007 / HUN (with internet live streaming)
• 2008 / ESP (with internet live streaming)
􀂃 how to use internet live streaming for attracting sponsors?
􀂃 price money for the winners?
- competition structure
o playing schedules
􀂃 status EChs: 2000 / 8+8 teams, 2002 / 16 + 16 teams, 2004 / 15+14
teams, 2006 / 16+14 teams, 2007 / 18+18 teams
􀂃 is it realistic for the future development to keep the unlimited number of
participating teams (qualification, separate tournaments for men and
women, etc.) + consequences for marketing / TV
o resulting & ranking
􀂃 status: due to various number of participants the playing schedules
have to be adapted for each ECh + EBT Final
􀂃 target: computerized match reports + flexible computerized resulting &
ranking system (not dependant on the number of entries)
o regulations
􀂃 status: event orientated regulations
􀂃 revision in order to respect the development of Beach Handball
concerning hard facts (e.g. finances, rights & duties, etc.); lay-out in a
modern and stylish way
o legal matters and rights
􀂃 eligibility of players,
􀂃 disciplinary regulations fitting to the needs of Beach Handball
o transfer regulations
􀂃 does the competitive factor of Beach Handball lead to a necessity of
fixed teams per time period?

- match guidance
- education and further education of referees, delegates, time keepers and
secretaries (cooperation with EHF CAN)
o education courses for referees and delegates
􀂃 status:
• 1999 TUR
• 2001 UKR
• 2003 TUR
• 2005 HUN
• 2008 ITA
• 21 EHF referee’s couples
• 39 EHF delegates
􀂃 evaluation, review and reorganisation (if necessary); coordination with
􀂃 examination of candidates (licence system for coaches)
o education during EHF tournaments
􀂃 due to the structure of Beach Handball tournaments, there is a lack of
time during the playing days for useful evaluation of the individual
performance and further education
o curricula
􀂃 revision of status – updating to the current and future needs
- rule development from ref + del view
- nomination and supervision of referees + delegates during the events
- referee + delegate observation / evaluation / statistics
􀂃 concept has to be worked out (“educator ≠ nominator ≠ evaluator”)
Game Design and Coaching:
- game development concerning
o techniques
o tactics
o analyses
􀂃 revision of parameters
o rule development from coaches’ view
􀂃 critical items: position of the goalkeeper / specialist, 2 point goals / spin
- fair play philosophy
􀂃 how to secure this main target in Beach Handball with respect to the
increasing value of big tournaments
- education and further education of coaches
􀂃 status:
• 2005 Balatonboglar / HUN
• 2008 Lignano / ITA
• coaches’ manual
􀂃 curricula: revision and adapting to the current needs
􀂃 involvement in the RC ?
􀂃 is it still useful to combine coaches education together with referees
and delegates?
- publications focused on game development
- scientific studies (medical preconditions)
Development and Promotion:
- Beach Handball development
o youth
• Beach Handball is fitting to the needs of the young generation
(see study of University Stuttgart)
• which strategy could be used to increase the interest and
number of young Beach Handball players
o school
• strategy to implement Beach Handball into the schools’
curricula is needed
o non-competitive
• mixed teams, fun events, artistic, implementation of Beach
Handball into holyday activities (hotels, clubs, etc.) – overall
concept is needed
o NF support
• status: support for NFs within the EHF Development Project
• short and long term strategy to increase the popularity of Beach
Handball in the NFs
- Promotion
o attractiveness
• how to attract Beach Handball for players, spectators, TV,
media and within the National Federations – overall concept is
o marketing
􀂃 status:
• 2000 EChs / marketing with EHF – no incomes
• 2002 EChs / marketing with EHF – no incomes
• 2004 EChs / marketing with EHF – no incomes
• 2006 EChs / marketing with the organiser – no incomes
• 2007 EChs / marketing with the organiser – no incomes
• EBT Finals / marketing with the organiser – no incomes
• the organiser is responsible to market the EHF events -
disadvantage: local advertising, no income for EHF
􀂃 marketing strategy has to be reconsidered – an innovative concept is
o sponsors
􀂃 status: no sponsors
􀂃 how to attract Beach Handball for potential sponsors – innovative
strategies are necessary
o TV
􀂃 status:
• 2000: no TV / no internet live streaming
• 2002: local TV / no internet live streaming
• 2004: local TV / no internet live streaming
• 2006: no TV / no internet live streaming
• 2007: TV (SKY Italia, Eurosport 2) / internet live streaming
􀂃 late fixation of participants of the main round leads to problems in
national TV interest
􀂃 host broadcaster costs are rather expensive.
o internet live streaming
􀂃 status: obligatory for EChs and EBT Finals; only TV pictures
guarantees a high quality (see 2007 EChs in Misano Adriatico / ITA)
􀂃 concept of economical outcomes and high quality pictures (without TV
host broadcaster) is needed
o overall long term strategy raising incomes (for the various organisers and for
EHF) is needed
- Publications
o mpegs
􀂃 status: 2 educational mpegs (special shots, defence) are already
􀂃 further strategy to be defined
o print publications
• status: Beach Handball folder, short rules, EBT folder
• do we need print publications respecting the target groups and
the definition of the info cannels - internet
o promotion videos
• status: videos available from 2000, 2002, 2004 (produced by
EHF Office), 2007 (produced by Infront Italy)
• further strategy to be defined
Activities Sept. 2008 – 2012
EBT 2009
EBT Masters (from EBT 2008)
2009 EChs
EBT 2010
EBT Masters (from EBT 2009)
2010 Youth EChs
Education courses
EBT 2011
EBT Masters (from EBT 2010)
2011 EChs
EBT 2012
EBT Masters (from EBT 2010)
2012 Youth EChs
Education courses
BC Meetings (3 per year?)
Working Groups on Beach Handball (on demand)
Various Workshops

29 Feb. 08 / Peter Fröschl – BU Beach Handball
X:\Beach Handball\Beach Handball Commission\Master Plan 2008-2012\Masterplan BC 08-12.doc

1 comentário:

vishal disse...